Assessment of Age in Fetus

By Dr. Imran Sabri

Junior Resident

Department of Forensic Medicine

J.N. Medical College, A.M.U. Aligarh

Date: 19th July 2004 


Assessment of of age if Fetus is important in Cases of (Medico-legal Aspect)  Criminal Abortion, Infanticide, Still-Born or Dead Born Baby, Fabricated Abortion, Marriage, Divorce, Adoption, Inheritance etc.

The Stages of development of Fetus are given below:

Ovum:         First 7-10 Days after conception.

Embryo:     1st week to 2 months after conception.

Fetus:         2 months till completely born.

Neonate:     1st month after birth.

Infant :         When completely born up to one year of age.

Rule of Haase:     During the first five months of pregnancy the square root of the length gives the approx. age of the fetus in months. During last five months the length in centimeters is divided by five gives the age in months.


How to proceed for age determination of fetus in spotting?


Approx. Length of Fetus

Apply Haase Rule

Approx. Age

Comment upon the following:


Write down the Medico-Legal Significance ( Very important for all spots)

 For eg:       1. Still-born child

                    2. Criminal Abortion

                    3. Infanticide

                    4. Fabricated Abortion

                    5. Marriage

                    6. Divorce

                    7. Adoption.

                    8. Inheritance

You Will get good marks




Specific Features of a particular age :

At the end of First Month (Embryo)

At the end of Second Month


At the end of Third Month


At the end of Fourth Month


At the end of Fifth Month


At the end of Sixth Month


At the end of Seventh Month


At the end of Eight Month


At the end of Ninth Month

