Asphyxia |

Strangulation |

Drowning |

Carbon monoxide poisoning; characteristic red color. |

Contact bullet wound to forehead. |

Contact gunshot wound. Note bruise pattern
corresponding to the gun barrel; cherry-red color of blood is probably due
to carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of the gunpowder. |

Contact gunshot wound. Note black soot from
incompletely burned gunpowder.

Multiple entrance gunshot wound. Skin under chest
entrance site was also torn by force of bullet. |

High voltage electric burn |

Wrist Cut: Attempted Suicide |

Suicidal cut throat. Note numerous "hesitation" cuts. |

Hanging |

Various rope/knot positions in hanging suicides.
[source: Simonsen] |

Contact gunshot wound. Note barrel-shaped bruise and
soot at wound site. |

Multiple stab wounds, homicide. |